FREE SHIPPING -- Choose Customer Pickup Option for a 15% discount.
Buying 5 or more pieces (mix and match)? Use code BULKBUYSHIP if using freight option for volume pricing discounts. If using customer pickup, use code BULKBUYPICK on the Shipping Method screen during checkout (discount is in addition to 15% customer pickup discount).

Sales Tax

On June 21, 2018 the Supreme Court ruled in South Dakota c. Wayfair that states have the right to charge sales tax on sales into that state by out of state vendors. This ruling overturned a 1992 decision that allowed states to only charge sales tax on sales in that state where the vendor had a physical presence.

Each state has varying sales tax rates and sales tax laws. We sell Tomahawk Attachments throughout the United States and Canada. To limit the administrative burden to correctly charge, collect, and remit sales tax in each state a product is sold, we will be charging your state's sales tax rate on your purchase starting January 1, 2019 unless you provide us your state's sales tax exemption certificate. All pickup orders at our Indiana location will be charged Indiana sales tax at the rate of 7%, unless a sales tax exemption certificate is provided.

Tax Exempt Purchases

We are required to collect sales tax on all orders picked up at our warehouse or shipped within the United States. This sales tax is collected at the time your order is placed unless you provide a valid sales tax exemption certificate.

If you are an Indiana company or organization, you must submit a valid ST-105 General Sales Exemption Certificate from the Indiana Department of Revenue to make a sales tax exempt purchase. You may submit your ST-105 certificate by emailing Out-of-state customers who are also tax-exempt must complete this form as well only if picking up from our warehouse located in Indiana.

If you are a tax-exempt entity in a state where our products are being delivered, you must provide us with your state's tax exempt certificate. Please contact us for assistance.

Need Assistance?

Our customer support team is happy to help out.

Business Hours
Monday – Friday
Call in Hours: 8:00AM – 5:00PM ET
Retail Store Hours: 7:00AM - 3:00PM ET

Customer Service

Parts Department

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